Early Edition Trivia

107:  After Midnight
(woman abandons baby)
"After Midnight" Answers

1. What does Chuck say is the rule if two people want the same cab?

2. What does Marissa want Gary to do that causes her much confusion?

4. How does Marissa always know when Gary reads something bad in the paper?

5. What section of the paper has the story about the abandonment?

6. At what church does the baby get abandoned?

7. How old is the baby?

8. What does Gary go out in the rain to find and why?

9. What kind of advice does Marissa give Gary that he ignores?

10. According to Chuck, what is the minimum distance that two urban dwellers need to have between them in order to prevent having their space invaded?

11. What is the name of the woman sharing the cab with Chuck?

12. What is her job?

13. What happens when Gary asks a woman if she is going to abandon her baby?

14. What is the name of the woman Gary meets at the bus stop?

15. What is her baby’s name?

16. What information from the paper does Gary give to Chuck?

17. What does Marissa say Gary has in the fridge?

18. When Chuck calls Lenore to tell her the weather report, who does he pretend he is?

19. How long has Marissa known Gary?

20. How long has Marissa been blind?

21. What caused Marissa’s blindness?

22. Who is Samantha’s father?

23. What does he want Gary to tell Samantha?

24. How did Gary know he was in love with Marcia?

25. What did Marcia used to make for Gary every Sunday morning?

26. What did Marcia insist on doing for Gary?

27. What does Gary think about opportunity?

28. What is the name of the man Samantha said was her husband?

29. Why does he threaten to sell Samantha’s baby?

30. What does Chuck do to get Lenore’s attention?

31. What part of Chuck’s anatomy is climate sensitive?

32. How does Chuck define a date with Lenore?

33. What kind of pizza does Gary have?

34. Chuck declines to eat any of the pizza because of which topping?

35. Why does Marissa say they have to find Samantha before she abandons the baby?

36. How old is Samantha

37. What time is Samantha going to jump off the bridge?

38. Gary gives the police a tip about what?

39. What is the hardest bridge to cross according to Chuck’s ending monologue?

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Last updated: September 12, 1997
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