Early Edition Trivia

304: "Lt. Hobson, U.S.N."
(An Admiral notices Gary's heroism; Henry meddles in world politics.)
"Lt. Hobson, U.S.N." Answers

1. Where is Gary going for his first save?

2. What is the headline he is there to prevent?

3. What is the victim's name?

4. What Wisconsin gang did the victim belong to?

5. What did the victim presumably do?

6. What does the man’s tattoo say?

7. What is it supposed to say?

8. Which two countries are involved in the peace talks?

9. In Gary's next headline, how many will be killed by an ammo explosion?

10. Where is this explosion to take place?

11. What does Henry write about in his email to the State Department?

12. What does Gary need to get onto the base?

13. Where does he get a uniform?

14. How much does it cost him?

15. What is the name of the officer Gary’s uniform belongs to?

16. What was wrong with the way Gary was wearing his uniform?

17. What does the SP at the gate stop Gary for?

18. Where are the peace talks scheduled to take place?

19. Who is the ranking officer Gary saves from the explosion?

20. What is printed on the Admiral’s tee shirt?

21. What mission does Gary say he was involved with during the Gulf War?

22. To what event does the Admiral want Gary to escort his daughter?

23. What is the penalty for impersonating an officer?

24. Who knows this and when did they learn it?

25. Who will walk out of the peace talks this time, and why?

26. What is the name of the Admiral's daughter?

27. She shows up in Gary's paper under what headline?

28. Where is Marissa on the day of the ball?

29. What does Henry write about in his next email to the State Department?

30. What is the dress code for the ball?

31. How old does Henry tell the guy from the State Department he is?

32. According to Patrick, what are "Chicago Rules?"

33. What term does the Admiral use to describe his daughter's argument?

34. What is the first name of the Admiral’s daughter’s boyfriend?

35. What very important detail does Gary continually forget while he’s in uniform?

36. Why is the boyfriend arrested by the Security Police?

37. Where have we seen the Security Police officers before?

38. What beverage do Gary and the Admiral consume?

39. How many empty bottles are on the table next to Gary?

40. What part of his uniform did Gary forget when he left the Admiral’s house?

41. What is Gary's reaction when the Security Police men point out the omission?

42. With whom is Gary sharing a cell?

43. To where have they moved the secret peace talks?

44. What does the Security Policeman do with the Paper after Gary asks to see it?

45. How does Gary get his hands on the Paper?

46. What is the headline on the paper?

47. What do the Chesnians have to drink?

48. What do the Lavotnians have to drink?

49. What does Marissa suggest that the diplomats have while they talk?

50. What is the license number of the Ford van the terrorists are driving?

51. Eric gets the Security Policemen's attention by calling them what?

52. What does the SP call him in return?

53. What kind of car does Emily drive?

54. Where does Gary need to be in order to change the headline in the paper?

55. What is Eric's specialty?

56. In order to stop the disaster what must Eric do?

57. What does the Admiral give for the wind reading?

58. How did Eric know what to do if he hasn't been trained for that weapon?

59. When the Eric tells the Admiral they can 'stand down' what is Gary’s reaction?

60. What kind of contest are the diplomats engaged in?

61. What is the Admiral’s description of "Lt. Hobson"?

62. Who takes the first drink in the contest?

63. What is the nickname of McGinty’s style of peace talks?

64. Who calls Henry after the peace talks are over?

65. Who’s going to baby-sit for Henry so that Erica can date the Under Secretary of the State Department?

66. What must Erica do in return?

67. Gary has a sandwich and a glass of what beverage?

Thanks to Janet for coming up with half of the questions and inspiring the rest. :)

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