Early Edition Trivia

309: "In Gary We Trust"
(Gary's life is in danger after he witnesses a mob hit; Toni Brigatti becomes his protector.)
"In Gary We Trust" Answers

1. What are Gary and Erica eating as the episode opens?

2. The headline in the Paper reads, "Calamities rock city." What four "calamities" happen while Gary and Erica kiss?

3. How does their "date" end?

4. Gary tells Marissa that he has saved which four people that day?

5. How does Marissa know that Gary is staring at Erica?

6. How does Gary explain the groaning noises?

7. What nickname does Marissa use for Gary?

8. Who did Erica 'dump' a month ago?

9. Who or what does Gary blame his lack of a relationship on?

10. What does Erica need more of from Amy and Jose?

11. How many hours until they're "home free?"

12. What brand of Chicken Broth is on the shelving in the kitchen?

13. Gary asks Erica out - not for a date, but for what?

14. Who does Erica turn to for advice on how to dress for her non-date with Gary?

15. What three outfit "styles" does she have him choose between?

16. What is the "small truth about women" that Erica divulges to Henry?

17. What does Marissa say when Gary asks her how he looks?

18. What terms does Gary use to refer to the non-date?

19. Marissa says, "If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it's probably not ________."

20. Who would Gary call if he needed an insult?

21. What does Gary have to do before the non-date?

22. What is the name of the towel boy?

23. Who are the two men Skippy greets as they stop for towels?

24. What question does the first man ask of Skippy?

25. What is Smolski’s first name?

26. What is the other man's first name?

27. Where are the men having their discussion?

28. What three law enforcement units have come to arrest the men?

29. What do the cops ask the two men to do that makes Gary wince?

30. Back at McGinty’s who is discussing Erica’s appearance?

31. What kind of lipstick is Erica wearing?

32. What is the name of the State’s Attorney?

33. What is Gary’s excuse for being in the steam room?

34. What is Mickey’s full name?’

35. According to Corbell, if they don't get the case to the grand jury, Smolsky and Mulfreed will be laughing all the way to where?

36. How does the FBI agent describe Gary?

37. What kind of gun did Gary see?

38. How soon can they book a Grand Jury?

39. What illegal activities are Mulfreed & Smolsky involved in?

40. Which agency does Agent Dawson work for?

41. What was Agent Dawson’s cover?

42. What condition does Gary claim to suffer from so that he doesn’t have to spend the night in a motel?

43. Who do they bring in to watch over Gary?

44. What are the first words out of Brigatti’s mouth?

45. What does Marissa say to explain why Gary canceled his lunch with Erica?

46. How does Patrick describe Brigatti when she comes into McGinty’s with Gary?

47. What is Brigatti's first name?

48. Who does Patrick say is upstairs with Gary?

49. What agency does Brigatti work for?

50. What is Gary carrying around as Brigatti searches the room?

51. What is Brigatti looking for in Gary's underwear drawer?

52. What does Brigatti find under the bed?

53. Why is the Treasury involved in the case?

54. Why are the "Feds" involved?

55. Why is the Marshal's office involved?

56. Why is the Chicago P.D. involved?

57. What other agency does Brigatti threaten to bring into the picture?

58. What is Brigatti allergic to?

59. When Brigatti checks in with Corbell, how does she describe Gary?

60. What items does Brigatti remove and set on the coffee table?

61. How does Gary explain his "personal activities" and "demanding hobbies" that make it inconvenient for him to have Brigatti around?

62. What percentage of germs does Gary say comes from sharing newspapers?

63. How much would it cost Brigatti to buy her own copy of the Sun-Times?

64. What is the headline in Gary’s paper?

65. What does Marissa say when Gary asks her how he's going to handle the Paper?

66. What nickname does Marissa use for Gary?

67. What headline does Gary see further in the Paper?

68. What does Gary do when he realizes what the headline means?

69. What excuse does Gary use to get away from Brigatti long enough to save the secretary?

70. What two items does Gary take on his way to find the secretary?

71. What is the name of the Special Agent who was the last person to have the gun?

72. What is the name of the secretary?

73. What is her fiancé's name?

74. Why does she want to commit suicide?

75. What is Gary's condition when he finally emerges from the bathroom?

76. Where is Gary going to take Erica for lunch?

77. Who is at McGinty's and follows Erica out?

78. Why is the restaurant familiar?

79. What does Gary do when he leans forward to kiss Erica?

80. Who kidnaps Brigatti?

81. Where has Brigatti been taken?

82. What nickname does Smolski use for Brigatti?

83. Who was in the leak in the State’s Attorney’s Office?

84. What does Erica use to knock out the bad guy?

85. Why was Bob following Brigatti?

86. What do Gary and Erica plan to stop for on their way back to McGinty's?

Thanks to Janet for coming up with most of the questions and inspiring the rest. :)

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Last updated: April 23, 2002
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