Kyle Chandler on... Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee

Originally 10/20/1997
(The first two segments of this interview were rerun on March 17, 1998 as part of a day showcasing prime-time men)
Hosts: Regis Philbin (RP), Kathie Lee Gifford (KL)
Guest: Kyle Chandler (KC)

RP: Now, how would you like to know tomorrow’s news today? That’s the dilemma faced by the hunky star of the hit series Early Edition. And, here he is with the scoop, Kyle Chandler. Kyle?

{Applause! Kyle comes out, dressed in blue jeans with black belt, black plaid shirt over black t-shirt. Kyle has a camcorder to his eye and is videoing (is that a word?) the audience.}

KL: Careful! He’s gonna fall!

{Kyle stumbles on the hazardous pile of postcards strewn all over the floor. People in the audience scream with concern, but Kyle catches himself and continues videoing as if nothing happened}

RP: Kyle, how ya doin’? {they shake hands}

KC: Nice to see you again.

KL: Welcome back. {they shake hands}

KC: I hope you don’t mind me... {glances at video camera}

RP: Not at all.

KL: No, are you doing a “day in the life of...”?

RP: I hope you don’t mind our...our cards were on the floor. We worried about you there.

KC: No. Where did all those come from?

RP: {speaking to someone off camera} If you turn that over, it might be better.

KL: Wonderful people all over the country, Kyle.

{Kyle takes a video of the stack of postcards}

RP: {speaking to someone off camera} Thank you very much.

KC: Holy Toledo!

RP: Alright, so Kyle, lets...

KC: That’s amazing.

RP: Yeah, lets...Kyle...

{Kyle keeps cutting him off. Way to go Kyle!}

KC: Did you, did you read all those?

KL: No. We’re trying to call people and give away money.

RP: Yeah, we just pulled one out. Didn’t you see the show?

KC: No, I was back....n-no, I didn’t. I was... I been runnin’ around doin’ all kinds of stuff. Mr Bean was here... Mr Bean.

KL: Yes, we...

RP: Not, not Mr. McBean, Mr. Bean.

KC: I’m sorry. Yeah, he’s great.

RP: Yeah

KC: This... I’ve been watchin’ him for years on public tel- He’s great.

RP: Yeah. You wanna put that down?

{Throughout that conversation, Kyle was attempting to find a place to set down the camcorder}

KC: Huh? Yeah. {sets down camcorder} {speaking to audience} Good Morning.

KL: Did you have any coffee yet today?

KC: I had a *lot* of it. Been up doin’ radio interviews, lots of coffee... {rubs hands together} I’m ready to go.

KL: Ok

RP: Oh, gosh. Kyle - ready to go here. What do they ask when, ah, do they all say, “Gee, what would you do if you really could read the headlines, tomorrow’s headlines?”

KC: Yeah, that’s a common question. Yeah.

KL: So we won’t ask that one.

RP: No.

KC: No. The answer would be, though, I’d go to the 7-11 and I’d have a slurpee and, ah, start makin’ out all those tickets. I’d be a very rich man.

RP: Exactly. Do you know that Kyle, years ago, was one of Playgirl’s 10 most eligible bachelors?

{Hoots and cat-calls from audience}

KC: I was. It, it was, it was a surprise to me on the set one day when I was doing this. And, ah, my sister actually grabbed this magazine, she got it off the stand. And *I* didn’t even know I was gonna be in it. You know, obviously, I had my clothes on, but...

RP: Mm-hmm.

KC: Ah, they ah, she sent this magazine to my grandmother. And before doing so, my grandmother’s, ah, {says to grandmother} "Hello Gramma," she’s ah, she’s 92 right now, she was, ah, much younger then, she was probably like 88. And, ah, she put post-its over all the... the... the... highlighted... parts of the magazine. And so when it got to my grandmother, I could just imagine my grandmother (after my sister told me this story), my grandmother would get this magazine, and my picture was in, near the back of it, and so she’d have to flip through with all these post-its, and it just made me laugh thinkin’ if e::::ver a post-it came out - I didn’t even think - I - ugh {shuddering gestures}

KL: It gave her a reason to live.

KC: {laughs}

RP: Do we really think granny took a peek?

KC: I have no idea. But if I know my grandmother, I think... {nods “yes”}

KL: She probably did.

RP: But meanwhile, things have changed. Here you are now, the star of this show, you’re a married man...

KL:’re a father now.

KC: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. {seems very uncomfortable with this turn in the conversation}

KL: You happy?

KC: No, ah, things are, things are very good {seems to be trying to change the subject, starts clapping}

KL: Yay for fatherhood.

RP: And when we come back, we’re gonna talk about Early Edition in just a moment.


RP: Alright. We’re with, ah, Kyle Chandler from Early Edition. A big hit show on CBS on Saturday nights, and, ah, Kyle, of course, is from ah... Where are you from? Ohio?

KC: Oh! Ah, no, I’m from, ah, born in Buffalo, moved to Illinois, and when I was eleven I moved to Georgia.

RP: To Georgia.

KC: So, I’ve... {audience claps for Georgia} Georgia?

RP: And he’s a big baseball fan, so he’s not takin’ it too easily that the Marlins have beaten the Braves.

KC: No. Fish! *Fish* folks! *Fish* in the World Series.

RP: It doesn’t make sense, does it?

KC: {makes a “go figure” gesture}

KL: Well, thank goodness you’ve got this hit series to fall back on.

KC: Yeah.

RP: Now, ah, we’re gonna show you a clip of the series here. Here, you have stopped a bus to save a boy in a luggage compartment, but you read about this boy in the early edition, right?

KC: I get tomorrow’s news today.

RP: In your head.

KC: In the paper. {Kyle’s look says, “you stupid fool, Regis”}

RP: But you’re the only one who reads the paper.

KC: Right, underneath the cat.

RP: Ahhh... I gotcha.

KL: Of course

RP: Makes sense to me. Here we go. Here’s a clip from Early Edition.

{show opening segment from “Jenny Sloane” episode - Boy, 11, suffocated inside bus luggage compartment}

RP: You were right! The kid was in there!

KC: I’m always right!

RP: You’re always right.

KC: I get tomorrow’s news today - you think I’m gonna be wrong?

KL: I wish somebody really *did* have that ability.

RP: Its a great premise, it really is. Now, listen, Kyle, hang around. We’re gonna try and make this call together, ok?

KC: Ok.

RP: We’ll be right back.


{Regis and Kathie Lee have Sarah from Jackson, Wyoming, on the phone to play the “Debit MasterCard $100,000 Jukebox Jam” game. Sarah chooses a category - Rock ‘n Roll. Regis explains the rules to Sarah}

KL: And Kyle’s ready to gong ya.

{music plays, Regis dances, Kyle waits by the gong, music ends}

RP: You have 15 seconds, Sarah, to come up with an answer.

KC: C’mon Sarah.

{Sarah can’t come up with an answer and the time runs out}

KL: Hit it, Kyle.

RP: C’mon, go Kyle, go. Hit it, baby!

{Kyle winds up the gong stick thingy and hits the gong. Poor Sarah lost the game. The gong is kinda loud and long-lasting, and Kyle tries to silence it}

{Credits start to flash by.... We get one last glimpse of Kyle at the very end of the credits...}

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