Standard Disclaimers Apply

In the tradition of the television show Hercules (which only one member of the GTA will confess to watching even once or twice), and in addition to the traditional disclaimers telling TPTB (the Powers that be) at CBS and Sony/Tristar to please regard our fan fic as the tribute it's intended to be, we offer these disclaimers to the stories on our page:

And Then There Were Two
No hockey sticks were harmed in the making of this fanfic.  One fell through a space/time anamoly when Sam leaped, and ended up with a tribe of prehistoric Native Canadians, where it lived happily ever after as a sacred totem.

Bless the Beasties
No eels were hurt in the making of this fanfic.  Chuck had a rather large dry cleaning bill, and he had to buy new shoes after an unfortunate run-in with a goat at the petting zoo.

Blown Away
The Sears Tower was not harmed in the making of this fanfic.  The author wishies to thank the Otis Elevator Company for its prompt help in repairing the ST stunt double.  Gary's catheter tube had to be placed under major restraints and removed from the set.

Brown Penny (An EE Alternate Universe Romance by nonniemouse.  Coming soon!)
No slinky slipping dresses were harmed in the writing of this story.  We wouldn't let Gary tear it off her.

Chance Meeting
The Jeep Cherokee in this fanfic was driven by a disgruntled fan who has since been carted away by the men in white jackets.  The vehicle itself was not injured, and has issued a written apology to Kyle Chandler for its
driver's bizarre behavior - which subsequent hospital testing has attributed to estrogen overload.

Christmas Carol Redux
No decomposing disgruntled corpses were further damaged in the writing of this fanfic.  The bus had to be disinfected at the end, and, except for a lingering odor on a hot day, is returning to its normal self.

Crossroads (an EE/XF crossover by peregrin anna, to be posted shortly)
No barns were harmed during the production of this fan fic.  The house blew up out of its own jealously that most of Kyle's scenes were filmed in the barn.  With Gillian.   No Mulders were hurt in the making of this fanfic.  Well, okay, he was, but he's used to it, so that's all right.

Faith Renewed
No ER doctors were harmed in the writing of this fanfic.  The nurses had to be restrained however, when they got into a cat fight over who got to treat Gary's flesh wound.

Sand & Water
No intubation tubes were harmed during the making of this fanfic.  One of them got really excited about being in bed with Gary and had to be sedated.

Snow Angels
No snowballs were harmed in the making of this fanfic - especially not the yellow ones, which no one wanted to throw anyway.  Some melted in an ooey gooey mess and Gary's leather jacket had to be rescued from the hormone crazed fans who ripped it off of him when he asked someone to get him a dry jacket.

The Suitcase
No suitcases were harmed in the making of this story. This suitcase was thrilled to be tossed out the window because that meant sharing a hotel room with Gary. The other household goods were jealous. They had to stay with Marcia.

Through the Smoke
No hamburgers were harmed in the writing of this fanfic.  Chuck promptly threw it up just as soon as he ate it - along with the french fry.  You know hospital food.

To Have & To Hold
No twisted twisters were harmed in the making of this fanfic.  They were taken in by Aunty Em and are living happily in Kansas.

No bottles of beer were harmed during the writing of this fanfic.  Stunt bottles were used in the action scenes.  A few bottles were drunk, but what's so unpleasant about being drunk, anyway?

Don't forget to feed the authors!

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