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Subject: Time

I just noticed that the woman lawyer in this ep is the same woman who played the boss in Downsized. She just had different hair.

When Gary shows his mom that photocopy and says "that was the day I was supposed to die" they hug and I swear he was crying. What an amazing actor. :) After Gary remembers meeting Jessica by the snack machine, he has this beautiful little smile on his face.sigh I nearly melted all over the floor. :)

Did you notice that the little boy who causes Gary all the trouble is the same kid from "Gun." I thought the lawyer looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place her.
Yes Meghan, I did notice the little "brat" was the same kid from Gun. There was a topic Recycled Actors on this board. I can't believe how many there were. :)
This is the first time I saw this episode. Very good. I kind of figured Gary was smothered by his parents being an only kid. I thought they would have the woman that was suppose to get killed at the bar be the little girl in the essay contest. The scene when Gary confronts the judge was a prime example of Kyle's acting (other than just intense looks.) And they cancelled this series? tsk tsk. I don't understand.


The show was on CBS. Any good show on CBS gets cancelled and replaced by dribble. No, I'm not bitter. ;) I've had three of my favorite shows (EE, Due South and Now and Again) cancelled by CBS. It's too bad the brass at CBS can't see a good show when it's right in front of them. End of rant.
Yeah Meghan, I agree. Thank God they haven't cancelled Touched By An Angel. It's now the only CBS show I watch. :)
was that guy Leonard in Performance Anxiety in any other episodes? There was another guy with curly hair but he isn't the same is he? and I think his name was Leonard too, it was when Chuck was having someone film Gary's every move....
Wasn't the guy who played Snow on the Waltons as Clancy?
Actually, if I remember right it was Yancy - Yancy Tucker. He was also on Mork and Mindy as Exidor.
I read on the egroups message board where someone thought that Les Moonves should be whapped upside the head with a tape of "Time". Sounds good to me! Any volunteers? :D
I would gladly volunteer, Karen, but I'm afraid I would do more than just whack him on the head with a videotape. Grr. Pardon me, but I'm really worked up right now. I just read the latest chapter of Dollene's story For Better or Worse, and ......well I don't want to give it away, but let me just say---I feel like breaking something. Okay, deep calming breaths. :D
My goodness Shana I better get the next chapter out so you can have a good laugh. I sure didn't intend to get you so upset. LOl Does anyone else think that the guy at the jukebox was total dork? I LOL everytime I see that scene. Someone should tell that poor guy he can't dance. I just love this ep. I love the mystery and Tracy's new story is running along the lines of Time and that just gets me all excited in itself . Plus it is an EE-HF crossover. So I get Jeff and Gary. sigh.
OMG Dollene, my husband and I burst into quite a fit of laughter over the guy at the juke box. :D I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that he was there alone. (or at least left alone. :D)
Oh Shana, my side hurts from laughing at your post. Yeah I bet he was alone. Or he was shortly after that. ROFLOL!! I love the scene in the judges office where Gary asks him how he can go out and sit in front of the flag and justify what he does. I love the flag and all it represents and what has been sacraficed to keep it waving proudly and when Gary made that statement, I fell in love with him all over again. And then as he proceeded to tell the judge about the people he forgot. The victims and their families. It gets me every time. I couldn't believe it when the judge said well most of them were back in the system within a few weeks. So what! Who did they hurt during those few weeks they were free. This was a very well scripted ep. Can't watch it enough. Although it does make me sad that this was the last one we would ever see. :(
I had tears streaming down my face I was laughing so hard at that guy. :D I'll never be able to hear that song again without that image. :D It's a testament to Kyle's wonderful acting that he could get through that scene without laughing. :D I love the scene in the judges office too. He gave such an impassioned speech. I felt like standing and doing the pledge of allegiance. I love that one scene with Armstrong too, when he tells him to stay on Baylor or someone is going to get hurt. This whole ep is wonderful.
Exidor!!! I had forgotten about him. I use to watch that all the time. Yancy, that's right.
I always get the big lump in the throat when I watch Time. You'd think that by this time Armstrong would trust Gary enough to listen to what he has to say. I would have loved to see where their relationship would have gone if old Les hadn't locked the door to Snows safe deposit box...maybe we should hit him upside the head with that...or perhaps Snow's tombstone. Wasn't the judge the recycled shrink from Regular Joe?
Shana, I nearly died laughing when I read your post. I was watching "Time" with a friend, and when the dancing scene came on, my friend looked at me and said, "Don't you ever ask me again why we say white men can't dance." I burst out laughing. But yes, Kyle is incredible in this episode. It's one of those few times where you see a flash of temper from him (and I don't mean being a grump) and those eyes are so intense. My favorite scene, however, is at the end when the couple walk by with the baby, and all of a sudden he gets this huge smile on his face. Sigh. Mr. Hobson, if you're looking for a volunteer, I don't plan to be doing anything for the next nine months...
Isn't that smile wonderful. I did a screen capture on that. If anyone would like I could email it to them. Just let me know if you want it.
Yes. Robert Donner was a regular on the Waltons as "Yancy" and he also played with Robin Williams on Mork & Mindy as "Exidor". The two them together could drive anybody crazy.
Whenever I watch this episode I always feel uncomfortable. Somehow I have the feeling that the writers and the cast knew the end was near, considering the hiatus and everything else going on at that time, not being on the renew list, etc. Alot of questions were answered in the episode and the fact that it showed who the next recipient would be, made it seem too final for me. On the other hand, it did show Paul Amstrong telling Gary that he wasn't finished with him yet. Also it showed Gary all set to "live his life" "in between the pages of the paper". Come on, Fox Family or someone, I want more episodes or a 2 hour movie!
You are right, TobMar, this ep does have an air of finality to it. sigh I'm with you, we NEED a fifth season or a movie, or both. :)
I agree it did have the feel of a final episode. But I loved the way Gary seemed more at ease with the responsibility of the paper. And proud of himself for the way he could handle it. Armstrong irritated me alot in this episode but the way Gary handled him was great. He didn't feel the need to come up with some lame story, just...nope, you know where to find me. Between the first couple years and the last season he came to terms with the way his life was going.
They haven't shown episodes with the new theme song, but someone on the egroup for Quantum Leap said the theme song they changed to (Time), that song is in one of the Quantum Leap episodes, called "No Place To Run". I don't remember having seen that episode and don't think I have, anyway that is an interesting bit of trivia. Was that where the people who made EE heard the song?
The episode is actually titled "Nowhere To Run", and it's where Sam leaps into a Vietnam vet who had lost both of his legs below the knee. I happened to have taped it when it was on the network, and when I decided to watch it a couple of months ago, it really caught me by surprise to hear the song "Time Has Come Today" used in one scene. Maybe I should join the egroup site for Quantum Leap so I won't keep boring non-QL fans! It's just that I'm a huge fan of the show and I guess I got a little excited when I found out there are other EE fans who are also QL fans.
It is the egroup called quantumleap

no capitals, just one word with no space between the two.
Get it? Hope to hear you on it! I'm on the list too.
karen, I have enough trouble keeping up with one web site...two would confuse the hell out of me..anyway, we have our own little mini quantum leap site...and who said I was computer illerate.

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