Painless Parts of Speech...
~ from peregrin anna

Only completed EELibs are presented at this website, but if you'd like to play along at home, here are some helpful definitions for the various parts of speech asked for in the game. (BTW, even though many of the examples are EE-related, yours don't have to be, and it might even be funnier if they aren't)

Open this page in a new window for handy reference!

Noun Names a person, place, thing, or idea.
(man, lake, life preserver, desperation)
Proper Noun Names a *specific* person, place, or thing, and is capitalized.
(Gary, McGinty's, Sun-Times)
Adjective A word that describes a noun or pronoun.
(funny, blue, grumpy)
Verb Shows action.
(save, fall)
Past-Tense Verb Shows an action that's already happened.
(saved, fell)
Adverb Answers the question How, When, Where, or To What Extent, and describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Many adverbs end in "ly."
(suddenly, grouchily, sheepishly)
Exclamation Expresses strong emotion.
(Oh, no!; Cool!)

Thank you, peregrin_anna! :-)

These definitions and examples are from peregrin_anna. Please do not repost without her permission.

Disclaimer: This fan run website is for personal, non-commercial use and is totally unaffiliated with Early Edition, Three Characters Inc., CBS Productions, TriStar Television, October Holdings, or anyone else who may have rights to the show. No infringement intended and no profit is being made in any way whatsoever (unless, of course, you consider the emotional satisfaction of supporting and promoting a work of pure genius as profit.) This website was created in homage and with gratitude to the fabulous creators of Early Edition, and also in an effort to support the show and to encourage others to do so.

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Last updated: Nov 20, 1999
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